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Healing Is Your Inheritance

When God gives you a vision of what He has destined for you to accomplish, your heart becomes excited and your spirit is ready to move forward. One of the enemy's tactics used to hinder your progression is to inflict sickness upon your body. This sickness can be mental or physical. The key to accessing the healing that Jesus provided is faith. However, if you believe that Jesus caused the sickness or you don't deserve to be healed, your faith will become contaminated. Healing is your portion, it is your inheritance! Join me live 4/20/2022 at 6am CST on YouTube to hear more or watch the replay at your convenience.


Have you launched assignments in the past but lost the momentum to complete them? Do you want this year to be one in which you accomplish all you set out to do?

There are many self-help books created to help one achieve success in life. Some of these resources are truly helpful, but none of them compare to God's written Word. The Bible is the greatest book ever written, so why not use it as the source of success in life. You may attend church, but sometimes sermons are too abstract for people to use for application in their life and see results. For this reason, I created Deeper with Danielle Institute. Our courses help you take scriptural truths and apply them to your life and progress towards the destiny God has for you. If you are ready to experience the joy that accompanies one who is fulfilling destiny, then join the upcoming course at Deeper with Danielle Institute, the Fulfilling Destiny Group Coaching Course. Sessions start May 5th!

Click the button below to learn more!

Proverbs 2:6 AMPC For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding

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