We all want to grow and often have ideas of ways to better ourselves. As believers, we can always look to Jesus as our ultimate example of growing and developing in wisdom.
The Bible reads in Luke 2:52 NLT Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people. How could Jesus Christ, the very epitome of wisdom, “grow in wisdom?” It is because His entire life was spent surrendered to the will of his Father. Everything Jesus said and did, gave glory and honor to God.
Gaining wisdom should always be continuous. If we are satisfied with what we already know, we can become complacent and stunt our growth. As you increase in biblical knowledge, put what you learn into practice for this is true wisdom.
Prayer for the Journey
Father, help me to not be complacent and satisfied with what I already know. I pray for courage and strength to continually grow. May your Spirit help me to develop within to achieve all that is a part of your plan.
In Jesus’s Name, Amen!
Join me LIVE, Thursday-September 29th at 6am CST on YouTube for more on Growing in Wisdom!