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Filled Up to Pour Out

Have you ever found yourself working hard at something and then becoming agitated and frustrated because it appeared you had no help? Well, I have... PLENTY OF TIMES! Lol! If you can relate, I'm sure you and I both looked just like Martha in Luke 10:38-42.

Marth was overwhelmed with the dinner she was preparing for Jesus and thought it was unfair that her sister was just sitting listening to Jesus while she did all the work. She was so agitated that she confronted Jesus and said "Lord, don’t you think it’s unfair that my sister left me to do all the work by myself? You should tell her to get up and help me."

Jesus' reply to Martha is His reply to you and I as well. "You are worried, anxious, and upset over all these details!"

Mary discovered one of the most important things of life...choosing to sit at Jesus' feet, undistracted.

I know there are many things that you have to do but don't neglect what is of great importance...spending time in the presence of God to be refreshed, replenished, and rejuvenated. Put God first and then tackle the chores, to-do list, and assignments for the day. I guarantee your approach will be different this way.

Prayer for the Journey

God, thank you for reminding me what is of greatest importance in my life...You. I know that I have many things to do but that doesn't mean I should neglect quality time with you. Today, I decide to spend time in your presence before tackling the many assignments for the day. Me being filled up before I begin to pour out will help me avoid frustration, agitation, anxiety and fear. God, I NEED YOU. I can't show up, be all that I need to be, and do all that I am required to do without you. In Jesus name, Amen!


One of the things we focus on at Deeper with Danielle Institute is building a deeper relationship with the Lord. You still have time to sign up for The Unveiling True Purpose Course happening in October. Today, September 27, 2021, is the last day to register. Click the button to learn more and sign-up!

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