In today's society, most have a philosophy to grind hard to receive the goodness of the land. Most believe all blessings are a product of the hard labor of their hands. Please know that I believe in working in obedience to the Holy Spirit's guidance but it is not my effort alone that allows me to reap the blessings of God. It is my faith in what Jesus has already accomplished that I come into alignment with through belief and actions that allow me to see the manifestations of God's promises.
Jesus understood how vital it was to retreat into the presence of God to be refreshed and receive encouragement and direction (Luke 5:16). Unfortunately, I have found myself in some instances afraid to rest because of the thought that some tasks would not be completed. God has reminded me that rest is a product of faith in what He has already done. It is not by my effort only that I receive God's goodness! He has completed all things and I can rest in His finished works because of grace and mercy! Remember, although we live in a space called time, God lives outside of time and has completed the plans for your life. I hope during this season, you will take time to rest and refresh in the Lord to receive encouragement and direction for the upcoming year. I too will be doing the same. I will spend time refreshing in the Lord to obtain what He has for me to deliver to the women of God. With that being said, this will be the last weekly Prayer for the Journey post until January 3, 2022. I look forward to sharing with you what the Lord will give me. Until then, be blessed and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Be on the lookout on January 3, 2022, for the restart of the Prayer for the Journey and enrollment for the latest courses at DWDI!
Prayer for the Journey
Father, I now realize that my inability to rest is grounded in not having faith in what you have already accomplished for me. I trust your finished works and make a conscious decision to rest in what you have already done. I will not worry about what has to be completed but will retreat into your presence believing that you have already worked it all out for my good. As I rest, I believe you will provide divine wisdom and guidance to take care of what needs to be done. In your presence, I declare that I will receive direction for the upcoming year. Your presence is more important than checking off a task on my To-Do List. I set my priorities in order right now. In Jesus Name, Amen!