Many life lessons can be learned through gardening. My husband is the one with the “green thumb” in our house, but I do know some basic principles 😊. If a seed is planted in good soil and provided the needed elements such as water and sunlight, the seed will produce after its kind. In Luke chapter 8, the soil is used to illustrate the heart of man and the seed represents God’s Word. When God’s Word (seed) is stored in your heart (ground), you will not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11 paraphrased). To sin is to do the opposite of God’s will and all sin is a byproduct of unbelief. It’s only when one truly doesn’t believe God that he/she will not follow His guidance. When one doesn’t believe God, it is often because he/she hasn’t fully grasped that God is not like humans and is forever good!
So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself). Romans 10:17 AMPC
There is a plan and purpose God has predestined for your life and storing the Word in your heart will produce a life trusting and believing God to fulfill that purpose.
On Thursday, click the video at the bottom of this email to join me live on YouTube for more on this topic. **Please Note: The Prayer for the Journey email will now contain the link to Thursday’s Live devotional video on YouTube. I realized an additional email was not needed on Thursday because subscribers to the YouTube page, are alerted via email by YouTube when I go live. For this reason, I will no longer send out an additional email for the YouTube devotional video. If you have not already done so, please subscribe to my YouTube page here. Please help by sharing the content written and video devotionals with your family and friends!
Prayer for the Journey
God, I now understand that a pure heart is one that trusts you and wants to do your will. Although I have a pure heart, I understand that I will still make mistakes because of my weaknesses. Help me to quickly repent once I see the error of my ways and believe that you are doing an inner transformation through the power of Your Word.
In Jesus Name, Amen!
Join me, Thursday – 08.11/2022, live on YouTube at 6am CST for the topic: “My Ground is Good”. We will examine the different types of hearts discussed in Luke 8 to ensure we have a heart that will yield a prosperous harvest.